“Sometimes, discomfort means we are on the verge of a major turning point or revelation.”—Laurie E. Smith. Moving away from your comfort zone isn’t always easy, but it’s something necessary to truly find the thing you are passionate about.
Life, since the pandemic, started to feel quite repetitive and dull. Wake up, eat, take online classes, take a test, do homework, study — repeat. It became a never-ending cycle that some might find comfort in. I felt as if I was a robot, just doing what was required from me. Living in this monotonous life made it hard to step out of my comfort zone and find something I am truly passionate about. At first, I even thought that passion was just a passing thing; something that comes and goes, an ever-changing feeling. But, a turning point in my life that finally made me feel a different level of passion and desire came from somewhere I least expected it - my school, SIHTM.
Finding passion in the School of IHTM was the least of my expectations. Even if I did want to become a part of the tourism and hospitality industry, choosing to study this industry was a major step away from my comfort zone—the life of the unchanging in an ever-changing world. In a world that changed in a sudden blink of an eye, I found comfort in the monotonous life I’d been living before; it had been my solace during this time of crisis. But finally stepping into the school of IHTM became the first step to a life I never knew I was dreaming of.
Admittedly, it wasn’t easy. The first few months were extremely rocky; interacting with new people, having to take classes in less-than-ideal circumstances, and dealing with the pressure of the ever-piling stack of activities, quizzes, and exams. It was incredibly frustrating. There had been a lot of times when I wanted to give up and just be done with it. But as the months went by, I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I found myself surrounded by amazing people that I can call my friends and professors; I experienced what it was like inside the school’s culinary kitchen; and I was also able to regain the passion and drive to reach my full potential. I finally found life exciting again.

It was when I finally stepped out of my comfort zone that I truly found the light I was trying so hard to grasp. It made me find the passion that I was extremely looking for. So, even if the road to reaching this point was not exactly the best, I’ve never once felt regret in choosing the school of my dreams. Now, even if there are days that feel like my life is reverting to what it once was, I’ve come to realize that this passion isn’t just a passing thing that comes and goes. It has different varieties and levels that you unconsciously uncover whenever you step out of the life you’re so used to living.
You can never find the path to success, passion, and happiness by staying in your comfort zone; it prevents you from flourishing into the person you truly are, extraordinary. But, extraordinary doesn’t have anything to do with becoming well-known or spectacular. It’s about putting passion into everything you do and living the best life for yourself; not for others, but only for yourself. Look for experiences, people, and environments that allow you to dig up the passion you have in your soul.
To me, becoming a part of the School of IHTM was the reason behind me finding the passion and drive to fulfill my dreams and reach my full potential — that was my turning point in life.