The International Foreign Language Organization brings new language learning opportunities with its official opening.
April 29, 2023 | SIHTM Cafe Fernando - The International Foreign Language Organization (IFLO), was launched through its first ever general assembly with the theme-title “Grow with IFLO”; featuring an unprecedented number of students representing the different programs of SIHTM: BSTM-IT, BSHM-PCA, BSHM-IHBO, and AACACO. The newly established organization highlighted its goals, objectives, and future plans for development. Amidst the anticipation and excitement, the IFLO finally opened its doors to the students of SIHTM. Focusing on different foreign languages, this organization will serve as a hub for various initiatives, programs and development addressing the pressing need for globally language-competent students.
The assembly started off with a warm welcome from the organization's adviser and co-adviser: Sensei Chris Evan Amansec delivering his welcoming remarks to formally launch the opening of the assembly and Jho Shiwaren Sensei for her discussion about the goals and objjectives of the IFLO organization. The warm anticipation and excitement were clearly visible from the faces of the participants upon having a hot topic on the future plans of the organization; from various organizational activities to school-wide events, both the organization and its members are thrilled to experience this one-of-a-kind involvement.
The assembly was also filled with excitement due to two individuals, Jascha Raine Balad, and Nathaniel Bauden, who gracefully performed their intermission number (singing) right after each discussion on the important details of the organization.
During the General Assembly, the officers and their respective roles were introduced to give the members an opportunity to be familiar with the people assigned in the organization. The President of the organization, Mary Angel Guarin, emphasized the big role of the members and representatives in contributing to IFLO's growth and development.
But of course, the Assembly was not formal and serious all throughout as the organizers have also prepared some fun icebreaker activities for the participants to enjoy. The participants were challenged for their Japanese vocabularies in the Pinoy Henyo but with a Japanese twist. Students also participated in the Japanese tongue twisters where they got to assess their Japanese word pronunciations.
Formally concluding the assembly, the officers prepared a pinning ceremony where the very own designed IFLO pin of the organization was presented. This badge serves as a token of appreciation as well as a symbol of dedication towards the newly established organization, the International Foreign Language Organization.
The conclusion of this General Assembly has led the International Foreign Language Organization to be officially recognized in the School of IHTM, the Home of the Champions. Although the current organization is highly focused on the Japanese language and culture, it still is a great step towards a path of good future in a global reach.
Let the International Foreign Language Organization then be an organization of your choice — allowing you to empower your acknowledgement of the different foreign languages!